The revolutionary
Trim system
Hydrotab is an innovative patented trim system designed for maximized efficiency and optimization of boat control and characterized by absolute simplicity and robustness. Our trim tab interceptors are designed to operate in the harsh sea environment and improve your boat cruising experience.
Simplicity - Efficiency - Robustness
Instant Lift Effect
Increased Safety in bad weather
Enhanced fuel saving
Improved boat control
The revolutionary
Trim system
Hydrotab is an innovative patented trim system designed for maximized efficiency and optimization of boat control and characterized by absolute simplicity and robustness. Our trim tab interceptors are designed to operate in the harsh sea environment and improve your boat cruising experience.
Instant lift effect
Increased safety in bad weather
Enhanced Fuel Economy
Improved boat control
SR Series
Made with a fouling-resistance composite material and sporting a compact eye-catching look, the SR series is the perfect fit for small to medium boats.

LS Series
With its robust body, 60mm blade stroke and modular design, the LS Series are our heavy duty composite Interceptors that can be made to fit boats of all sizes.

Solutions for every situation
At Hydrotab we offer a wide range of products suitable for any boat and application such as leisure, workboats, military and of course retrofit.
Our Interceptors can accomodate any boat hull, from tunnel cutaways to angled hulls and everything in between.
Hydrotab vs Trim Tabs
Find out why Hydrotab's Interceptors are far superior to conventional Trim Tabs
Watch our
2021 Presentation Here:
Are you a technician?
Take the Hydrotab Technical certification test and become officialy certified to install Hydrotab products!
Are you a builder/shipyard?
 Fill out the special vessel specifications form and we will get back to you with a detailed analysis of the best Hydrotab product for your ship.
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