The FX Series Interceptors

The FX series are Hydrotab’s newest heavy duty, fully INOX-316 interceptors. With the longest stroke yet and the blade really close to the hull, the interceptors provide unparalleled efficiency! 

Our largest stroke yet

With a maximum stroke extension of 60mm, the FX interceptors displace the water flow in a sharper angle, resulting in greater lift effect and improved efficiency.

Designed for maximum efficiency

By placing the blade very close to the hull, we ensure minimal loss of work due to water flow being lost to the sides. This makes the FX interceptors our most efficient series to date.

Other Interceptors

blade offset of other interceptors



blade offset of Hydrotab Fx interceptors


Designed for maximum efficiency

By placing the blade very close to the hull, we ensure minimal loss of work due to water flow being lost to the sides. This makes the FX interceptors our most efficient series to date

Other Interceptors




fx interceptors construction

Robust design

The FX interceptors have an Inox-316 body, which allows them to withstand the high forces of the open sea. Its simple design also allows the interceptor to be easily accessed and inspected, even while underwater!

Environmentally friendly design

The interceptors are constructed with easily recyclable materials, reducing waste and the carbon footprint of their production!

The pneumatic operation works using compressed air instead of hydraulic oils, ensuring no pollution of the marine environment!

two fx interceptors

The series provides great size flexibility as well, with our 3 different Standard models:

FX Series model sizes
FX SeriesLength (mm)Width (mm)Height (mm)Fitting height (FH) (mm)Max Deployment (Stroke) (mm)

fx interceptors dimensions

Usefull files

Table Header

Drilling patterns

3D CAD files


FX installation manual

Check out our other series of Interceptors: